Passage is offering a “Time Out for Parents” in the Spring

Have you ever had one of those days when sibling rivalry has turned to war and your partner is picking holes in your attempts at discipline? Voices are getting louder, tempers are rising and everything is spiraling out of control. You find yourself shouting or using ‘your parent voice’ – you know the one you swore you would never resort too. All words of wisdom have flown out the window followed swiftly by the latest parenting bible and you would happily crawl into ‘time out’ just to escape. Then you are a parent and human too! Because despite the perfect families you might encounter on Facebook, it happens to us all at some point. If of course you are one of those perfect families with singles or pre-teens or just adorable cuddly kids who find joy in every moment cleaning their bedrooms, doing homework, and helping around the house then I do apologise.

So now that leaves the rest of us. Truth is parenting involves a range of skills that are evolving all the time depending on your beliefs, your values, your experience, your culture, your parenting style, and of course the developmental stage and temperament of your child. Most of these things you may never have given a thought too let alone taken time out to discuss with your partner or other parents. Often we don’t even look outside our families for support unless we encounter a problem and sometimes fear of being judged stops us even doing that.

In the past we may have relied on family for this kind on support but as many parents in the International community of Luxembourg are living away from these resources it is useful to know that there is support locally. Passage, is the parent support group for people who wish to get information, advice or just share in English. We already provide a parent support group, seminars and a networking group for professionals working in this field in Luxembourg.


Time Out for Parents screengrab


In February we will running a course for parents of children 0-9 years. The ‘Time Out for Parents’ course aims to encourage and build confidence in your parenting skills. We do this by recognising the good and positive things you are already doing, as well as helping you to think about changes you might want to make. We will also discuss latest research around child development and neuroscience. This six-week course was designed by Positive Parenting (Care for the Family – UK).


The course itself will include discussions around what children really need:

  • Developing Emotional Security
  • Helping your child with Problem Solving and Keeping Safe
  • and most importantly Keeping Sane as a Parent


The course will be led by Lynn Frank BSc. (Hons. Psych) MSc. (Health Promotion), who is a Licensed Positive Parenting (Care for the Family UK) facilitator. Lynn is psychologist with over 20 years experience of working with groups and individuals, children and parents facing the challenges of modern day living.


For further information and registration details please visit this link.