Category Archives: Families

EVENT: “Multilingual Children – Perspectives and Practical Tips for Parents” Seminar on Thursday 15th June

News in of an upcoming seminar that will probably interest the majority of the families here: “Multilingual Children – Perspectives and Practical Tips for Parents”. The evening has been organised by Irene Mäkelä-Brunnekreef and Minna Holmberg, who are both mothers themselves and curious and excited about raising their own multilingual

The Wounds that Won’t Heal – What Parents Need to Know about Self-Harm

It is hard to understand why your child, or anyone else’s children would deliberately harm themselves. There is a lot of confusion, misinformation and even taboo talking about Self-harm, even though Child Helplines and other support organisations are reporting a steep increase in cases. Self-harm, also called self-injury, self-mutilation or

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