About this website
This website is designed to be a ‘living’ resource for parents and professionals in the field of education, health and children’s social development in Luxembourg.
To this end we hope to be continually updating and adding material. Some areas may remain under construction but it is our intention to keep building towards the most comprehensive resource in this area for the English-speaking community in Luxembourg.
Guiding principles of the website
- We have devised the layout of the website to take parents on a developmental journey with their children through our Rites of Passage. We recommend that users of the website start here because we have included information, further reading and links particularly relevant to each developmental stage by age.
- As parents you know your child best. We have tried wherever possible to refer to up-to-date thinking within the field of psychology and child development. However if anything you read does not resonate with you, or your child’s situation, skip it or even better let us know about your experience or thoughts.
- This website brings together articles, resources and links to further information in Luxembourg and the international English speaking world. We have tried where possible to verify all information and links but would welcome feedback for any errors or difficulties using these links.
- The main contributors have used she and he (when referring to the child) interchangeably within their articles. This will hopefully not distract the reader.
- As a group we do not refer parents to any particular organization. We give information and may signpost professionals and organisations that may be of help. Every parent’s needs are different and we aim to support them in their search for their own solutions.
- We welcome feedback regarding content and links. As well as any suggestions of useful links to include for parents and professionals in the future. Please contact: passage.parents@gmail.com
Please remember that all volunteers give their time freely to this group and often have other commitments and families to support. We will always do the best we can to get back to people. If you do not hear from us please contact us again.
We need your help
We welcome articles from parents and professionals about topics related to the challenges of modern–day parenting.
We welcome your feedback to the website. However, the editorial decisions remain within the Passage coordination team.