Find out all that’s been happening within the Passage community, both past and present. Click on the following titles to read more about:
Community News
This section features parenting-related news and articles that are current in Luxembourg. We will also showcase non-Passage parenting seminars and workshops here.
Passage Blog
Our Passage blog articles are an informal delve into topics that are relevant to families today. Ideally see the ‘Topics at a glance’ menu located on the right-hand side bar of this page to immediately view the different topics we have already covered.
Passage Events
This section features upcoming Passage events such as themed parenting seminars and conferences. This is also an archive area containing presentations from previous Passage-organised seminars. Where possible the guest speakers have kindly given consent for their powerpoint presentations to be made available to Passage (in a downloadable pdf format) for your reference.
This section features an archive of past and current Passage newsletters. If you would like to be placed on our newsletter mailing list, please sign up on the panel located on the right-hand side bar of this page.