How to get involved?

If you are a Parent:

  • Log in to become a member on our Passage website…
  • And/or send us an email to to receive our newsletter and we will send you an invitation to our Facebook page*.
  • Attend our support group meetings, seminars or other events.
  • Email us your comments/questions/ideas for discussion.
  • Get involved in a thread on our Facebook page*.
  • Spread the word, if you know of any other Parents, Groups or English-speaking practitioners who might be interested in Passage then pass on our contact details.
  • Don’t be shy, get involved – bring your ideas, questions, experience along to our meetings, talks and seminars – we are run by parents for parents – no one is the expert here!


If you are a Practitioner or Professional:

  • Send us an email to and we’ll send you an invitation to our Linked In page and put you on our mailing list.
  • Complete and send us our making contact sheet for professionals. Let us know about your area of expertise – how can parents make contact with you. Join the Passage Professionals Network.
  • Offer to give parents/practitioners a talk about what you do or other areas of interest for Parenting.
  • Attend our fortnightly meetings, talks and seminars.


If you would like to become a Friend of Passage we are always in need of:

  • Donations of money to pay for the upkeep of our website, running our support group and events for parents, advertising and producing publicity.
  • Venues for running our seminars, workshops and professional network evenings.
  • Professionals related to the field of education, health and children’s social development to take part in our seminars for parents, contribute to our resources, write articles for our website and get involved in our professionals network.
  • People to spread the word about Passage.




* Our Passage Facebook Group page is by invitation only. It is a ‘secret closed group’ which means that it cannot be found via their search facility and likewise all your activity is not shown on your own personal public timeline. It is a good place to discover more about us, to get regular updates or to download previous presentations. If you would like an invitation to join, please contact us at: